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macOS is an extremely flexible operating system allowing you to also run Windows.  Windows can be run just like any other app, completely isolated and separate within macOS using two preferred Windows hosts:  VMWare Fusion [
If the 8710 report is not rendering properly most likely you have Windows running in a higher scaling than the default 100%. Close Logbook Pro and minimize all windows and then right-click on the Windows Desktop and click Display Configuration. Set your s...
The Professional and Enterprise Edition of Logbook Pro include a report to help fill in the data for the [] website. When running the report you may notice that the FLIGHT TIME BY SIMULATOR section in the report g...
Yes!  We can import from just about any other software logbook solution.  Take a look at this list of conversions [] and see if your logbook software is listed. If it's not liste...
When starting Logbook Pro and it is unable to locate your data file which is the file you created when first using Logbook Pro (ends in .LBK), it will display a NEW/OPEN/RESTORE dialog as if it's your first time using the software.  Close Logbook Pro and ...
There is a bug in the Spreadsheet Logbook area (only) where clicking a column header to force a sort on that column will cause all data to disappear. This can also occur when using the filter (funnel) button on the sub-toolbar in the spreadsheet log area ...
If you experience problems with the date or time format when exporting data from Logbook Pro you should change your Regional Settings to United States.The settings are located in the Control Panel under the Regional Settings Icon.
If while attempting to backup Logbook Pro you receive an Error 530, a DLL has gone out of sync in Windows, typically caused by another software installation using an older version of a DLL shared by Logbook Pro. You can run a repair of your installation b...
If you get a dialog that shows an update needs to occur and then the program shuts down, this is a symptom that Logbook Pro cannot read/write to the data file in the location you are storing it. Your data file is the single file ending in .LBK. Make su...
To change Logbook Pro's logbook reports to produce more or less rows on a printed page you have two options:1) (Preferred) Adjust the page setup and modify the top and bottom margins as desired.  Reducing margins will allow room for more lines on a page, ...
I'm willing to bet you don't enjoy signing your name 300 times in your printed logbook. We've had some fairly large turn-key print jobs in the past and signing each and every logbook page can be less than joyous to say the least. Did you know Logbook Pro ...
Transfering your data into Logbook Pro is very easy. However, there are several considerations for tranfering your data. Here are a few cases to study, pick which one fits your scenario best: 1) As with any paper logbook, make a one line entry that carri...
To log flights that do not include a Duration or SIM such as when flying as FE or logging ground school you can do the following:1) Go to Options...Flight Log 2) Clear the checkbox next to FAR Error Checking 3) Clear the checkbox at the bottom of the dial...
The Professional Edition license authorizes the use of two computers for the use of one pilot's logbook. The typical scenario, and the one we'll use for this example, a pilot that has a HOME computer and a LAPTOP computer he/she takes on the road. This s...
To transfer your license to a new computer do the following: * Create a backup of your data file on the old computer by clicking FILE..BACKUP TO FILE (you can also upload this backup to the cloud if you have a Cloud Backup subscription [https://nc-sof...
We sell four binders by Cirrus Elite Corp: * Commander Series [] - our largest binder holding approximately 250 pages (Commander Binder Lite 200 pages) * Full Size Desk/Carry Model [] - A ...
To convert your clone back to a master, follow the steps below: 1) Backup your data file by clicking File..Backup 2) Click Help..About Logbook Pro and at the bottom it shows the path to your data file which ends in .LBK, note this location 3) While still...
When running a report such as a flight log report in Logbook Pro the numbers included are only those within the date range set on the date filters first shown when starting a report. Therefore to generate a report that includes your entire flight histo...
Starting with Logbook Pro PC edition version 1.11.0 we no longer include the documentation in the installation which cuts the installer down 7 MB as well as any future patches.  When clicking Help...Documentation in Logbook Pro it will point to the web he...
At times you may look for a specific name or entry within a text column of Logbook Pro.  There is a basic search system available for finding information within the spreadsheet style area.  On the bottom navigation bar, right side, is a binocular icon.  C...
If you have a computer shared by multiple pilots, i.e. you're using a Logbook Pro Enterprise Edition license, you can easily sync each pilots device without conflicting with other pilots using the same computer.  If sharing the same Windows Login, each pi...
Please verify your screen DPI settings. Windows Vista through Windows 8.1 Minimize all windows and then right-click and choose Personalize. Then follow the attached screen shot, you should have slider to the left (100% Recommended), we do not support t...
Cirrus Elite's Commander Binder has 2 inch rings which hold approximately 250 physical pages. The supplies for the 2 inch rings is unable to supply the rings and Cirrus Elite is looking for other options. In the interim they were able to find the same rin...
If the spreadsheet data entry area is frozen, appears grayed out, and you can't enter data, you most likely have a layout that didn't restore properly.  It is easy to fix:  Reset the layout by clicking the far left icon on the sub-toolbar just above the d...
Per the Logbook Pro Desktop documentation [] you can use a signature image to auto-sign the generated flight log reports. Please follow the tips below when creating your signature i...
Logbook Pro comes in three editions: Standard, Professional, and Enterprise edition. The unregistered trial configuration is dubbed the "Evaluation Edition" which you'll see when Logbook Pro starts. The Evaluation Edition emulates the Enterprise Editio...
If you experience any problems with the new Windows 10 release please try the following: * Click the START button and then start typing: User Account Control. Click the option to adjust your User Account Control (UAC) settings by lowering the slider t...
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