Tips on creating a signature image for Logbook Pro Reports
Published 16 June 2018 12:22 PM (Article ID: 211)
Per the Logbook Pro Desktop documentation you can use a signature image to auto-sign the generated flight log reports. Please follow the tips below when creating your signature image.
- If you have mobile device that can use a stylus it's best to create a signature electronically to ensure a white background. Otherwise take a white piece of paper such as from your printer and sign it with a thick black pen. Take a picture with your phone.
- The image should be cropped so that there are no edges/margins around the ink part of your signature. The image should be the ink/signature only.
- Phones can take very high resolutions images such as 8000px by 4000px just as an example. The signature image will be scaled by Logbook Pro automatically. The image should be proportionally resized by setting a height of only 300px, the width will auto scale.
- The signature image should be grayscale, there is no reason to make it color and if it is not in grayscale and you use a color printer it will cause the printer to mix the four colors to print each page unnecessarily using expensive toner other than just black.
- Save the file as jpg using the same file name as your Logbook Pro data file. If your data file is named "My Logbook.lbk" then your signature image should be named "My Logbook.jpg".
CAUTION: If you have enabled "hide common file extensions" in your folder view settings, be careful that your filename does not end up being "My Logbook.jpg.jpg". This can happen if the second .jpg is hidden from view. Typically, if file extensions are hidden, the file should show up in your folder as an image named "My Logbook". If you have trouble getting the signature image to be displayed in your reports, try deleting the ".jpg" from the end of the filename and see if that resolves the issue.
Photo editors such as Adobe Photoshop are great for working with images like this. There are numerous image editors free and fee based on the market. If you need help, send your signature image to tech support and we'll gladly assist you.
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