Knowledgebase: Logbook Pro Desktop
How do I transfer Logbook Pro to a new computer?
Published 01 February 2024 12:23 PM (Article ID: 8)

To transfer your license to a new computer do the following:

  1. Create a backup of your data file on the old computer by clicking File..Backup to File (you can also upload this backup to the cloud if you have a Cloud Backup subscription)
  2. Download Logbook Pro and install it to your new computer
  3. Restore the .BAK file created in Step 1. When Logbook Pro starts for the first time on the new computer choose RESTORE. If Logbook Pro is already open then click File > Restore .BAK File
  4. Deactivate your license on the old computer by clicking Help...Deactivate License (if you cannot find this menu option you have a very old version of Logbook Pro installed and you can skip this step)
  5. Activate your new computer using your issued name/unlock code information from the time of purchase.  If you do not have this information you can purchase a new license code by clicking here

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