Knowledgebase: Logbook Pro Desktop
Airline Apps - Flight Time by Simulator is not showing any hours
Published 20 May 2014 12:56 PM (Article ID: 183)

The Professional and Enterprise Edition of Logbook Pro include a report to help fill in the data for the website.  When running the report you may notice that the FLIGHT TIME BY SIMULATOR section in the report generated by Logbook Pro contain no simulator totals.  This happens when you log your time in only the simulator column and do not include aggregate data logged such as PIC, DUAL, SIC, as required by the inputs for   In order for the report to generate totals in that report per what is asking you must also enter times for the sim in PIC, SIC, Instructor, and/or Dual.  Once entered you can re-run the report and see the totals.  You can also view your total SIM in the Analyzer (click View...Analyzer...All Data), if you do not desire to assign PIC,SIC, DUAL, or Instructor on simulator flights and transfer the times as you see fit.  NOTE:  The is working as designed per AirlineApps data inputs requested of you.



 airline apps time by sim.png (4.85 KB)
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