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macOS is an extremely flexible operating system allowing you to also run Windows.  Windows can be run just like any other app, completely isolated and separate within macOS using two preferred Windows hosts:  VMWare Fusion [
This article will assist shoppers in buying gifts from the NC Software secure online store.  Please note that we sell software products and also subscriptions as well as our shippable products such as our premium leather binders which make a great gift. ...
To better help us help you with support inquiries screenshots and screen recordings are very helpful. To learn how to record your screen please see the following article by Apple. [
If you're interested in our Aviation Logbook Data Entry Services, click here to get a free quote on what it would cost to do your job.  You'll need the total number of line entries estimate which can be calculated by multiplying the number of pages in you...
Sending files with your support inquiries helps us help you faster.  Including screen shots, database files, or simply multiple files included in one compressed small zip file is most efficient.  When sending your Logbook Pro data file we prefer you send ...
The ole saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" is true! It really helps us help you if you can provide us a picture of what you see to help identify the problem and provide you a solution. If you don't know how to take a screen capture, please se...
If you placed your order AFTER Sept 2005 please visit []  and login to your account to view your codes and previous purchases. Otherwise, please see [https...
We have separate areas of our web sites that do not talk to each other, they are on completely unrelated and disconnected systems.  Each of which require you to register for full access.  Areas such as the forums, help desk, and online store all require a...
Please download the latest versions of our software which now have improved Windows Vista/7 support. Logbook Pro 1.12.x or later series should be used for Windows Vista/Windows 7. Make sure your data file does not reside in the C:\Program Files\... fol...
If you find that Route Browser is requiring you to keep activating or you're having a problem activating the software please try the following: * Uninstall Route Browser * Go to your Windows Control Panel / User Accounts area and click the option fo...
NC Software does not currently offer phone support services. We offer rapid response electronic correspondence 24x7x365 with no hold times, no voice mails, and no waiting for callbacks. During normal business hours and often after hours you can use our...
Our evaluation software is the actual software, fully-functional, with limitations depending on the software used such as a limit on the number of entries allowed.  However, there are no separate or new installations required between our evaluation and re...
Uninstalling our software will not affect your data or registration.
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