Knowledgebase: Schedule Importer
I am a Delta Pilot and my schedule won't import
Published 10 January 2015 12:46 PM (Article ID: 97)

If you are a Delta Airlines pilot and are experiencing trouble with the online importer, please make sure you are using ICREW.  EasyBid is not recommended for use with the schedule importer. 

How to import your schedule

1.  Bring up your schedule in ICREW

2.  Bring up (display) the pairing you would like to import

3.  Highlight the pairing you wish to import

4.  Press Control C (aka CTRL C) to copy the data

5. Go to our online importer and paste (CTRL V) the information in

6.  Make sure the filter says "AUTO"

7. Use the Online Schedule Importer as you normally would.

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