Converting from MCC PilotLog
Published 16 June 2018 11:34 AM (Article ID: 181)
We are able to convert most users of MCC PilotLog software. You may try the steps below or send us your MCC PilotLog backup and we'll take care of the conversion for you. Conversions are done as a free one-time service for our new customers. To export your MCC PilotLog data, please follow the steps below 1. Open your logbook in MCC PilotLog 2. Go to the Query page (F3) 3. Press the search key (F10) to show all records 4. Press the EXPORT button for a XLS (Excel) or CSV (Comma Separated Values) file to be saved to the desktop. If you will be importing the data yourself into Logbook Pro please choose the CSV option. 5. You may now use the Logbook Pro Import Wizard to import the CSV data. For instructions on using the Import Wizard click here. | ||||
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