Knowledgebase: Logbook Pro for Android
How to have your entire flight log on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device
Published 21 March 2013 08:57 AM (Article ID: 160)

The Logbook Pro apps are designed to allow you to rapidly add new information while away from Logbook Pro Desktop, your "master" logbook data.  To carry your entire logbook on your device to reference, present, or for safe keeping is simple.

All Logbook Pro reports can be exported to PDF.  Run the reports you want on your device from Logbook Pro Desktop and then choose the PDF export option from either the button on the toolbar or from the File...Export menu.  Save the PDF to your hard drive and now all you have to do is transfer them to your device.  There are numerous ways of doing this from e-mailing PDF's to yourself and then view on the device and save the PDF attachments, e-mailling it to your Amazon Kindle account if you use the Kindle App, or use iTunes to sync it to your device, among other great PDF apps available on the App Stores.  

For information on sending PDF's to your Apple iOS device click here

For information on sending PDF's to your Android device click here

You can also use a file sharing service such as Dropbox then place the PDF's into a Dropbox folder on your PC or Mac and then on your device with Dropbox installed (or access via a web browser) you can then access the PDF's prepared from Logbook Pro Desktop.

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