Converting from Coradine LogTen Pro
Published 16 June 2018 11:41 AM (Article ID: 107)

Converting from LogTen Pro is easy.  Conversions are done as a free one-time service for our new customers if you require any assistance after reviewing the steps below.

In LogTen go to the report area, exporters, then run the Export Flights TAB delimited and then run the report and save the exported file.  You can then use Logbook Pro's Import Wizard or send us the file and we'll assist you.

If you are unable to run LogTen on your Mac you can send us the raw data file as well.

  1. Open Finder in Mac OS X
  2. Press and hold the OPTION button on your keyboard while clicking GO on the menu, choose LIBRARY
  3. Navigate to ~/Library/Containers/com.coradine.LogTenPro6 (or X)
  4. View the data in sub-folders and find the file named "LogTenCoreDataStore.sql" typically in /Data/Documents
  5. Compress the .sql file and send us the ZIP file and we'll process it for you.
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